sábado, 18 de junho de 2011

» if you believe , you'll reach .

I always think that i'm not good enough , but i'm done with that .
Now I do not worry about what people think .
I only care about me , if i'm happy with that , that's fine because i'm happy.
The criticizes are not affecting me anymore , because that will help me to be better.
feelings are stronger then perfection , i gotta believe in that , because that's the truth .
so now , i'm gonna DREAM BIG and BE MYSELF .

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

; porcaaaaaaaaaa

mariia s. disse...

comecei a seguir-te.
segue o meu também. gostei muito do teu blog *.*

california dreams disse...

; não conseguia comentar pelo meu blog xb